Build your Superpower
Build your Superpower
8.2: How Not to Be Stupid — Adam Robinson

8.2: How Not to Be Stupid — Adam Robinson

This might be the most insightful interview we've had — don't risk missing it.

Adam shares his secrets on how not to be stupid.

We talk about:

- What is stupidity?

- What drives stupidity — and why are we all at risk?

- What skills can help us not act stupidly?

It’s hard to describe Adam because he’s brilliant. Among other things, he is an:

- Advisor to multi-billion dollar hedge funds

- Founder of the Princeton Review

- US Chess master who trained with Bobby Fisher (!)

If you like this episode, you might like the first part of this interview with Adam. In it, he reveals how you can build your superpower.

Build your Superpower
Build your Superpower
You need a superpower to succeed. Build your own by listening to how others did it.